Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Minimalists (+3)

Three days in. "The Minimalists" approach is working just fine. Not a lot of revelations about the must/should list. I went over the must list and removed some "should"s. Given my recent move there is not much to throw away. Goodwill is going to have a Christmas party this weekend with some of my poorly fitting clothes.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Minimalists

I ran into The Minimalists web site/blog by accident this morning and was pleasantly surprised by the depth and immediate applicability of the ideas. I think these guys are onto something!

My friends know my views on a lot of these issues, as well as how the distractions and temptations along the way. Emails (71 on Sunday after filters vs. 160 on Friday), Christmas euphoria, Black Friday, etc.

Time to make a change - I am on Day 1 (Deciding). Will keep you posted on how it goes.